Mastering Action Scheduler in WordPress: A Beginner-Friendly Guide

Mastering Action Scheduler in WordPress: A Beginner-Friendly Guide

Action Scheduler is a powerful library that helps WordPress developers schedule background tasks or "actions" without interrupting the user experience on the frontend. It is widely used by plugins like WooCommerce to handle background jobs such as processing orders, updating stock levels, or running time-consuming tasks like sending emails or generating reports.

If you're already using WooCommerce on your site, you don’t need to install Action Scheduler manually. WooCommerce comes with Action Scheduler bundled, so it’s ready to use right out of the box. In fact, if you attempt to install it again via Composer or manually, there won’t be a conflict, but it’s unnecessary and can clutter your codebase.

In this guide, we will cover the basics of Action Scheduler and walk through examples of how to set it up, schedule tasks, process background actions, and much more.

What is Action Scheduler?

Action Scheduler is a job queue system built for WordPress. It allows you to schedule tasks or actions to be processed in the background, either once or on a recurring basis. For example, you can send emails, process orders, or execute scheduled cleanups without causing performance issues on the frontend.

Common use cases include:

  • Sending email notifications asynchronously

  • Processing webhooks from third-party services

  • Automating recurring tasks such as database cleanups

  • Handling subscription renewals and background tasks in WooCommerce

Action Scheduler is designed to scale easily, making it an excellent solution for high-traffic sites that need to manage large volumes of background tasks.

Setting Up Action Scheduler

If WooCommerce is Already Installed

If you’re running WooCommerce, you don’t need to install Action Scheduler manually, as WooCommerce includes the Action Scheduler library by default. You can start using it without any extra setup.

Is There a Problem if I Install It Again? No, installing Action Scheduler manually or through Composer won’t cause any immediate conflicts, but it’s redundant. WooCommerce automatically includes Action Scheduler, and installing it separately won’t provide any additional benefits unless you’re building a standalone solution without WooCommerce.

If You Don’t Have WooCommerce

If WooCommerce isn’t installed and you want to use Action Scheduler in your custom plugin or theme, you can install it using Composer:

composer require woocommerce/action-scheduler

Alternatively, you can download the library manually from the Action Scheduler GitHub repository.

Step 2: Load Action Scheduler

Once installed (either via Composer or manually), include the library in your project by adding this line to your plugin’s main file:

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

This ensures Action Scheduler is loaded and ready for use.

Scheduling Tasks with Action Scheduler

Example 1: Sending a Welcome Email

Suppose you want to send a welcome email 5 minutes after a new user registers on your website. Here’s how you can achieve this using Action Scheduler.

Step 1: Define the Task

First, define a function that sends the welcome email:

function send_welcome_email($user_id) {
    $user = get_userdata($user_id);
    $email = $user->user_email;

        'Welcome to Our Website', 
        'Thank you for registering!'
Step 2: Schedule the Action

Now, hook into the user_register event and schedule the email to be sent 5 minutes after registration:

add_action('user_register', 'schedule_welcome_email');

function schedule_welcome_email($user_id) {
    as_schedule_single_action(time() + 300, 'send_welcome_email_action', array($user_id));
Step 3: Hook into Action Scheduler

Finally, register the action so that Action Scheduler knows which function to run:

add_action('send_welcome_email_action', 'send_welcome_email');

This code schedules the email to be sent 5 minutes after the user registers, asynchronously, without slowing down the frontend.

Example 2: Deleting Old Log Entries

Now, let’s schedule a recurring action to delete old log entries from your WordPress database once a day.

Step 1: Define the Cleanup Task

First, define the task that deletes old logs:

function delete_old_logs() {
    global $wpdb;

    $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}logs WHERE log_date < NOW() - INTERVAL 30 DAY");
Step 2: Schedule the Recurring Action

Now, use Action Scheduler to run this task every day:

add_action('init', 'schedule_log_cleanup');

function schedule_log_cleanup() {
    if (!as_next_scheduled_action('delete_old_logs')) {
        as_schedule_recurring_action(time(), DAY_IN_SECONDS, 'delete_old_logs');
Step 3: Hook into Action Scheduler

Register the action so that Action Scheduler can execute the cleanup:

add_action('delete_old_logs', 'delete_old_logs');

This code ensures that your old logs will be deleted daily, without impacting the performance of the frontend.

Example 3: Sending Bulk Emails to 100 Recipients Without Blocking the Frontend

Let’s demonstrate how you can send an email to 100 recipients from an array without blocking the frontend. Instead of sending all 100 emails at once, we will split them into smaller batches of 10 and process them asynchronously.

Step 1: Define the Email-Sending Function

We’ll define a function that processes the email-sending for each batch of 10 recipients:

function send_bulk_emails($email_batch) {
    foreach ($email_batch as $email) {
            'Special Offer',
            'We have a special offer just for you!'
Step 2: Schedule the Bulk Email Task in Batches

Now, we’ll schedule the email-sending task for 100 email addresses in batches of 10:

add_action('init', 'schedule_bulk_email_task');

function schedule_bulk_email_task() {
    // Example array of 100 email addresses
    $emails = array(
        // ... 100 total emails

    // Split the email array into batches of 10
    $email_batches = array_chunk($emails, 10);

    foreach ($email_batches as $batch) {
        // Schedule each batch to be sent 5 minutes apart
        $time = time() + 300; // Start in 5 minutes
        as_schedule_single_action($time, 'send_bulk_emails_action', array($batch));
Step 3: Hook into Action Scheduler

As usual, we need to hook the scheduled action into Action Scheduler:

add_action('send_bulk_emails_action', 'send_bulk_emails');

This setup ensures that the emails will be sent in chunks of 10, staggered every 5 minutes, without affecting the user experience on the frontend.

Managing and Debugging Scheduled Actions

Action Scheduler comes with an admin interface where you can manage your scheduled tasks. To view scheduled actions:

  1. Navigate to Tools > Scheduled Actions in the WordPress admin dashboard.

  2. You’ll see all pending, completed, and failed tasks.

Retrying Failed Actions

If any action fails, you can retry it directly from the admin interface by clicking the "Retry" button next to the failed action.

Debugging Scheduled Actions

If you’re experiencing issues, you can enable WordPress debugging by adding the following lines to your wp-config.php file:

define('WP_DEBUG', true);
define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);

This will log any errors related to your scheduled actions in the wp-content/debug.log file.

Tracking Email Delivery Status

While Action Scheduler can schedule emails to be sent in the background, it doesn’t automatically track whether an email was successfully sent. However, you can use third-party plugins to log email deliveries and failures.

  • WP Mail Logging: This plugin logs every email sent from your WordPress site, including the status of each email. It shows whether an email was successfully sent or failed. It doesn’t track whether the email was delivered to the inbox, but it provides confirmation that WordPress attempted to send it.

Further Reading and Official Documentation

Action Scheduler is a highly flexible library, and there’s much more you can do with it. You can find more details on advanced functionality, such as custom logging, hooks, and optimization techniques, in the official documentation:


By using Action Scheduler, you can easily offload time-consuming tasks like sending emails, processing webhooks, and running automated reports to the background, without affecting the performance of your WordPress site.

This guide has provided you with several practical examples of how to schedule tasks and manage them efficiently. Remember, if you’re already using WooCommerce, Action Scheduler is built in, so you don’t need to install it separately.

For more advanced use cases and configurations, be sure to explore the official Action Scheduler documentation.

Happy coding!